Fixes For Vpn Connection Failed Due To Unsuccessful Domain Name Resolution in 5 Minutes

When encountering a VPN connection failed error due to unsuccessful domain name resolution, it can be frustrating. However, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue effectively. Below, we will explore some common fixes to help you regain access to your virtual private network.

Understanding Domain Name Resolution

Domain Name Resolution is the process of converting domain names into IP addresses, which are necessary for locating services on the internet. When this process fails, a VPN connection may not be established. Here are some potential fixes to rectify the situation.

Fixes For Vpn Connection Failed Due To Unsuccessful Domain Name Resolution in 5 Minutes

Fixes for VPN Connection Issues

The following methods can help you troubleshoot VPN connection failures related to domain name resolution:

1. Check Your Internet Connection

Ensure that your internet connection is active. You can do this by accessing a website or streaming a video. If your internet is down, the VPN won’t connect.

2. Change DNS Settings

Switching your DNS settings to a reliable provider, such as Google DNS ( and or Cloudflare DNS (, can help improve DNS resolution.

3. Flush DNS Cache

Flushing your DNS cache can resolve any outdated or corrupt DNS records. On Windows, you can run the command: ipconfig /flushdns in the Command Prompt.

4. Disable IPv6

Some VPN services may struggle with IPv6 connectivity. To disable IPv6, navigate to your network adapter settings and uncheck the IPv6 option.

5. Update VPN Client

Ensure you are using the latest version of your VPN client. An outdated application can lead to connection issues and performance problems.

6. Contact Support

If all else fails, reaching out to your VPN provider’s support team can yield specialized assistance tailored to your specific situation.

Following these troubleshooting steps can help you resolve domain name resolution issues affecting your VPN connection. Remember to systematically work through each solution to identify the issue. By employing these methods, you should be able to regain a reliable and secure VPN connection.

Henry is a professional blogger and co-founder of TechiZoo. He is a software engineer by education and blogger & writer by profession.

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